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The Hurricane

Mais uma edição do : ´´ SMACKDOWN VS RAW 2010 - MONTAGENS ``, hoje vamos aprender a fazer o The Hurricane, para criar-lo você terá que ir no Menu de seu Smackdown vs RAW 2010, clicar na opcão Created Superstar e acompanhar a formula que está ai em baixo. Estou com muitos pedidos e pouco tempo então só peço que aguardem !



Face Template: 1

-Head Morphing-

Head: (11, 6, 2)

Forehead: (0, 24, 1, 0)

-Face Morphing-

Eyebrows: (-100, 100, -29, -22)

Eyes: (-17, -33, 28, 14, 9, 6, -26)

Nose: (6, 3, 100, 0, -9, 1, 11, -14)

Cheeks: (-100, 35, 20, -35)

Mouth: (100, -46, -61, -51, 8, 12, -46)

Jaw: (100, 31, 3, 0, -6, 6)

Ears: (0, 0, 0, 0)

Skin Aging: 15


Height: 181 cm

Body Type: 0

-Body Morphing-

Neck: (-58, 5, 7)

Chest: (-12, -6, 8)

Shoulders: (-38, 17, -25)

Abdomen: (7, 15, 13)

Waist: (10, 2)

Arms: (-16, -7, 5)

Hands: (0, 0, 0)

Legs: (-6, -4, 6)

Feet: (0, 0, 0)


1) Size: 5

2) Texture/Color: 12 (89, -1, -3)

3) Eye Type: 1 (13, 0, -33)

4) Eyebrows: 1 (88, 0, 0)

5) Eyelashes: 15

6) Lips: 1 (97, 2, 2)

7) Teeth: Padrão

8) Hair: 22 (89, 0, -100, -22)

9) Underwear: Padrão

10) Combinatios: 16 (85, 0, -100, 100)

11) Goatee: 9 (89, 0, -63, 100)

12) Face Paint: 60 (40, 75, -10, 75)

13) Mask: 11 (34, 51, -61, 100)

14) Face Paint: 24 (100, -100, -27, 96)

15) Face Paint: 25 (71, -100, -27, 100)

16) Marks: 20 (92, -100, -66, 75)

17) Face Design: 138 (-18, -100, 11, 100)

18) Face Design: 138 (-18, -100, -32, 100)

19) Armwrist: 1 (-13, -100, -80, 100, 100)

20) Wrestling Tights: 1 (25, 0, -25, 100, 100)

21) Socks: 1 (-13, -100, -100, 100, 67)

22) Kneepads: 5 (-13, -100, -79, 100)

23) Boots: 30 primeira cor (25, 50, 35) segunda cor (80, -100, -80)

24) Tops: 5 (-13, -100, -70, 100, 10)

25) Tops: 22 (25, 0, -15, 8)

26) Design: 93 (25, -7, 18, 100)

27) Design: 93 (25, -7, 18, 100)

28) Design: 148 (-18, -100, -32, 100)

29) Design: 148 (-18, -100, -32, 100)

30) Design: 13 (-18, -100, -27, 100)

31) Design: 97 (-18, -100, 28, 100)

32) Alphabet, page 1 “H” (-25, -100, -59, -100)

Crowd Signs: A sua escolha

Name: The Hurricane

Nickname: Padrão

Nickname Placement: None

Abbreviated Name: Hurricane

Announcer Introduction:Hero

Hometown:Smithfield North Carolina

Weight Class: Light Heavyweight(215 lbs)

Crowd Reaction:Cheer

Show: ECW



Motion: Superstar 11

Fireworks: None

Screen Effect: None

Lighting: D-Generation X


Motion: Superstar 29

Fireworks: None

Screen Effects: None

Lighting: D-Generation X


Motion: Superstar 29

Fireworks: None

Screen Effects: None

Lighting: D-Generation X


Motion: Edge

Fireworks: None

Screen Effects: None

Lighting: D-Generation X


Motion: Superstar 11

Fireworks: None

Screen Effects: None

Lighting: D-Generation X

Champion Entrance: Generique 4

Movie: Logo WWE

Music: A sua escolha

Signatures e Finishers :


- Shining Wizard 6
- Double Underhook Drop
- Lou Thesz Press(Hurri-Press)
- Diving Cross Body(Hurricane Helms finisher)
- Chokeslam 6

- Neckbreaker(Eye of the Hurricane)
- Neckbreaker 11
- Neckbreaker 17
- Shining Wizard 6

Se o seu ficou assim é porque você fez certo se não tente de novo. . .


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