Agora vamos aprender a fazer o Sting no: ´´ SMACKDOWN VS RAW 2011 - MONTAGENS ``, a roupa do nosso Sting será igual a que ele costumava usar no ano passado la na TNA, a montagem é simples e o resultado é bem legal, então não perca tempo e faça agora o seu Sting!
Começe com o Face Template 1!
Hair: 11 (100, -100, -7)
Head: 6, -39, -8
Forehead: 92, 3, 68, 20
Eyetype 1 (100, -79, -28)
Eyelashes 1
Eyebrows 7
Lips 1 (100, 0, 0)
Skintone 6 (100, 0, 0, 0)
Skin Age 0
Eyebrows: -79, 35, 4, 70
Eyes: 56, -40, -27, -12, 19, 35, -31
Nose: -39, -30, -15, -12, -100, 38, -46, 30
Cheeks: 0, -58, -30, -9
Mouth: -32, -34, -52, 8, -19, 6, -37
Jaw: 50, 64, 55, -28, 17, -10
Ears: 0, 33, -74, -32
*Body shape:
Neck: Height: -36
Abdomen: Width: 8, Depth: 11
Waist: Width: 10, Depth: 15
Legs: Depth: 9
A lista de Layers é:
10) Face Paint: 52, Não mude a cor
11) Facepaint: 89, Colour: Black(Preto)
12) Facepaint 50 Colour: Black(Preto)
19) Boots: 27, Colour: X: 100, Y: -100, Shade: -11
20) Gloves: 10, Colour: X: 100, Y:-100, Shade: -63
21) Wrestling attire: 2, Colour: X: 100, Y: -100, Shade: -76
28-29) WWE Logo: 16, Colour: Branco Padrão(colocar um em cada mão)
30) Leg tattoo 25/159 Colour Default(Cor Padrão)
31) Tattoo Front & Back of wrestling attire-26/149 Colour Default(Cor Padrão)
32) Jacket: 23, Colour: X: 100, Y: -100, Shade: -5
Name: Sting
Abbreviated name: Sting
Audio Name: The scorpion
Hometown: Venice Beach California
Weight Class: Heavyweight
Crowd Reaction: Cheer
Show: WCW
Motion: Triple H DX
Pyro: all smoke white
Lighting: Undertaker
Screen Effect: Monochrom/Normal
Motion: Superstar 35
Pyro: all smoke white
Lighting: Undertaker
Screen Effect: Monochrom/Normal
Motion: Randy Orton
Pyro: none
Lighting: Undertaker
Screen Effect: Monochrom/Normal
Motion: Randy Orton
Pyro: None
Lighting: Undertaker
Screen Effect: Monochrom/Normal
Motion: Shelton Benjamin
Pyro: None
Lighting: Undertaker
Screen Effect: Monochrom/Normal
Champion Entrance: Undertaker
Multi-Title-Entrance: Randy Orton
Titantron: A sua escolha
Theme: A sua escolha
Signatures e Finishers:
- Scorpion Death Drop ( Reverse DDT)
- Scorpion Deathlock (Sharpshooter)
- Diving crossbody
- Tombstone Piledriver
Se o seu ficou assim é porque você fez certo se não tente de novo. . .

Começe com o Face Template 1!
Hair: 11 (100, -100, -7)
Head: 6, -39, -8
Forehead: 92, 3, 68, 20
Eyetype 1 (100, -79, -28)
Eyelashes 1
Eyebrows 7
Lips 1 (100, 0, 0)
Skintone 6 (100, 0, 0, 0)
Skin Age 0
Eyebrows: -79, 35, 4, 70
Eyes: 56, -40, -27, -12, 19, 35, -31
Nose: -39, -30, -15, -12, -100, 38, -46, 30
Cheeks: 0, -58, -30, -9
Mouth: -32, -34, -52, 8, -19, 6, -37
Jaw: 50, 64, 55, -28, 17, -10
Ears: 0, 33, -74, -32
*Body shape:
Neck: Height: -36
Abdomen: Width: 8, Depth: 11
Waist: Width: 10, Depth: 15
Legs: Depth: 9
A lista de Layers é:
10) Face Paint: 52, Não mude a cor
11) Facepaint: 89, Colour: Black(Preto)
12) Facepaint 50 Colour: Black(Preto)
19) Boots: 27, Colour: X: 100, Y: -100, Shade: -11
20) Gloves: 10, Colour: X: 100, Y:-100, Shade: -63
21) Wrestling attire: 2, Colour: X: 100, Y: -100, Shade: -76
28-29) WWE Logo: 16, Colour: Branco Padrão(colocar um em cada mão)
30) Leg tattoo 25/159 Colour Default(Cor Padrão)
31) Tattoo Front & Back of wrestling attire-26/149 Colour Default(Cor Padrão)
32) Jacket: 23, Colour: X: 100, Y: -100, Shade: -5
Name: Sting
Abbreviated name: Sting
Audio Name: The scorpion
Hometown: Venice Beach California
Weight Class: Heavyweight
Crowd Reaction: Cheer
Show: WCW
Motion: Triple H DX
Pyro: all smoke white
Lighting: Undertaker
Screen Effect: Monochrom/Normal
Motion: Superstar 35
Pyro: all smoke white
Lighting: Undertaker
Screen Effect: Monochrom/Normal
Motion: Randy Orton
Pyro: none
Lighting: Undertaker
Screen Effect: Monochrom/Normal
Motion: Randy Orton
Pyro: None
Lighting: Undertaker
Screen Effect: Monochrom/Normal
Motion: Shelton Benjamin
Pyro: None
Lighting: Undertaker
Screen Effect: Monochrom/Normal
Champion Entrance: Undertaker
Multi-Title-Entrance: Randy Orton
Titantron: A sua escolha
Theme: A sua escolha
Signatures e Finishers:
- Scorpion Death Drop ( Reverse DDT)
- Scorpion Deathlock (Sharpshooter)
- Diving crossbody
- Tombstone Piledriver
Se o seu ficou assim é porque você fez certo se não tente de novo. . .

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